A modular training course for qualifying marks MEP(L) and IR(A) on a multi-engine Beechcraft 76 Duchess

Privileges of the holder of a class or type rating
The privileges of the holder of a class or type rating are to act as pilot on the class or type of aircraft specified in the rating.
Experience requirements and prerequisites for the issue of class or type ratings
Unless otherwise determined in the operational suitability data established in accordance with Part-21, an applicant for a class or type rating shall  
comply with the following experience requirements and prerequisites for the issue of the relevant rating:
(a) Single-pilot multi-engine aeroplanes. An applicant for a first class or type rating on a single-pilot multi-engine aeroplane shall have completed at  
least 70 hours as PIC on aeroplanes.
(b) Single-pilot high performance non-complex aeroplanes. Before starting flight training, an applicant for a first class or type rating for a single-pilot  
aeroplane classified as a high performance aeroplane shall:
(1) have at least 200 hours of total flying experience, of which 70 hours as PIC on aeroplanes; and
(i) hold a certificate of satisfactory completion of a course for additional theoretical knowledge undertaken at an ATO; or
(ii) have passed the ATPL(A) theoretical knowledge examinations in accordance with this Part; or
(iii) hold, in addition to a licence issued in accordance with this Part, an ATPL(A) or CPL(A)/IR with theoretical knowledge credit for ATPL(A), issued  
in accordance with Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention;
(3) in addition, pilots seeking the privilege to operate the aeroplane in multi- pilot operations shall meet the requirements of (d)(4).
(c) Single-pilot high performance complex aeroplanes. Applicants for the issue of a first type rating for a complex single-pilot aeroplane classified as a  
high performance aeroplane shall, in addition to
meeting the requirements of (b), have fulfilled the requirements for a multi-engine IR(A), as established in Subpart G.
(d) Multi-pilot aeroplanes. An applicant for the first type rating course for a multi-pilot aeroplane shall be a student pilot currently undergoing training on  
an MPL training course or comply with the
following requirements:
(1) have at least 70 hours of flight experience as PIC on aeroplanes;
(2) hold a multi-engine IR(A);
(3) have passed the ATPL(A) theoretical knowledge examinations in accordance with this Part; and
(4) except when the type rating course is combined with an MCC course:
(i) hold a certificate of satisfactory completion of an MCC course in aeroplanes; or
(ii) hold a certificate of satisfactory completion of MCC in helicopters and have more than 100 hours of flight experience as a pilot on multi-pilot  
helicopters; or
(iii) have at least 500 hours as a pilot on multi-pilot helicopters; or
(iv) have at least 500 hours as a pilot in multi-pilot operations on single- pilot multiengine aeroplanes, in commercial air transport in accordance  
with the applicable air operations requirements.
(e) Notwithstanding point (d), a Member State may issue a type rating with restricted privileges for multi-pilot aeroplanes that allows the holder of such  
rating to act as a cruise relief co-pilot above Flight Level 200, provided that two other members of the crew have a type rating in accordance with point  
(f) Additional multi-pilot and single-pilot high performance complex aeroplane type ratings. An applicant for the issue of additional multi-pilot type  
ratings and single-pilot high performance complex
aeroplanes type ratings shall hold a multi-engine IR(A).
(g) When so determined in the operational suitability data established in accordance with Part-21, the exercise of the privileges of a type rating may be  
initially limited to flight under the supervision of an instructor. The flight hours under supervision shall be entered in the pilot’s logbook or equivalent  
record and signed by the instructor. The limitation shall be removed when the pilot demonstrates that the hours of flight under supervision required by  
the operational suitability data have been completed.

Training course contain:
theoretical training in the flight operation of the aircraft Beechcraft 76 Duchess - 15 hours in the classroom;
flight training:
on the plane Beechcraft 76 Duchess according to the visual flight rules - 6 hours;
on the plane Beechcraft 76 Duchess according to the instruments flight rules - 2 hours;
on the FNPT II procedural simulator - 3 hours.

The estimated duration of training is 10-15 days and depends on the weather and the workload of the instructors.

After the completion of the training course and the successful completion Skill Test with the flight examiner, you receive a full package of documents for submission  
to the CCA of Ukraine, on the basis of which in the appendix to the pilot's certificate is entered the qualification mark MEP(L) and IR.
Kyiv University of Aviation and Information Technologies