The simulator fully complies with the requirements of EASA CS-FSTD (А).
Structurally, the simulator is a mock-up of the cockpit with pilots inside the workplaces, controls and a
dashboard representing a real aircraft. The flight and navigation equipment is built on the principle of a
"glass cabin", and is compiled on the basis of EFIS Garmin 1000.
The visualization system consists of a screen and three projectors providing a viewing angle of 180°
horizontally and 35° vertically. The visualization system models the earth's surface and the state of the
atmosphere in some detail, allows for visual maneuvers, flights with low visibility, and a transition from
visual flight to instrument flight.
According to the requirements of PART-FCL 1 on FNPT II is allowed have practical (flight) training
(training time on the simulator is included in the total flying time) for the following training programs:
PPL (A) - up to 5:00 hours;
CPL (A) - up to 5:00 hours;
CPL (A) / IR - up to 40 hours;
IR (A) - up to 35 hours (SEP) and up to 40 hours (MEP)
MCC - 20 hours.